“It is my firm belief that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made." As such, I believe that everyone has the potential to improve. In the personalized service I offer, I hope you find a refreshing alternative to a traditional "big box" clinic. Clients and therapists alike appreciate individualized care, more speedy recovery and better overall outcomes made possible by this model.”
- Nick Engel, PT DPT
General Health and Fitness Content:
If we don’t get quality sleep, healing is very challenging as we remain in a sympathetic (stressed, fight-or-flight state). See my recommendations here
What we put in our mouths can another be a primary, limiting factor that’s often overlooked as a source of our pain. But it doesn’t need to be over complicated. It needs to be simple and sustainable. See my recommendations here
If we don’t know where we are going in the long term, it makes it challenging to know how to act in the short term. Setting a long term vision is a great way to aim for a future we want. See my goal setting prompt here
I try to follow my own advice. If you want to see my workout logs for the last several years, click here